How to use with R ?

This summer, I had the opportunity to test and, both tools are known and used to optimize the SEO of its website(s).

In order to help people who do R and SEO, I created an R package that allows you to easily manipulate the APIs of these programs.

I started by introducing and the R open-source package specially created for the occasion :

Now I have integrated all the metamot optimization features of (or English version, available at  into the writingAssistant package:

Presentation and metamots contains a module to manage metamots. Each key phrase “generates” its metamot. Therefore, 1 expression = 1 metamot.

The metamot is a word made up of several words (lexies), where all must be used to have the ideal page.
Each lexie has a specific role in the metamot and should not be seen as possibly separate from the others.

The metamot is based on several algorithms:
– Signal processing where within the corpus, singularities must be identified.
– Successive filters to find the main intention of the SERP.

The result is a series of more or less “certain” lexies for determining the “ideal” signal.

The lexies are divided into 3 categories:
– omnipresent lexies,
– decisive lexies,
– other lexies.

The decisive lexies have the most important role in the signal because they are both almost “certain” but “not found together” in the current pages.

Attention, all the metamot lexies must be used, but the number of determining lexies and their repetitions make it possible to know, for example, if the subject of the page is well formulated.

A picture is better than a long speech:

There is an impressive documentation work done by Christian if you want to know more:

If you want to know more, there is also a Youtube playlist where everything is detailed :

Get your token

To use the R package, you must have access to the API.
The use of the API remains private for the moment. It is more an API dedicated to partners than a public API.

Sylvain Deauré sent me the login credentials that allow me to generate a token that has a lifetime of 2H.

These login credentials must be copied to the root of your project in a text file: sme_configuration.txt


Install my R package

To use the R package, you must have Rstudio and be trained in the basics.

I invite you to write these lines in the console.


To initialize the package, you just have to use the following code, be careful the createToken function will create your token from the txt file “sme_configuration.txt”
The checkStatus function simply checks that the connection is correct.



Create a Metamot

You must visit the site, it is not possible to create a metamot directly with the API.

I put a screenshot because when creating the metamot on sem-eye, you will have to specify the target language and the target country.

For more details on this step, I invite you to read the official documentation :

Get your lexies

Once the metamot is created, you will be able to get the lexies.

Then with the metamot ID, you can request all associated lexies and their appearance frequencies with the listSimulatedLexies function for a text of 3500 words.

info <- metamots$data[[2]]
metamot_id <- info$mid

lexies <- listLexies(metamot_id)
lexie_id <- lexies$name[1]

url <- ""

model <- listSimulatedLexies(metamot_id,lexie_id)

Get your score

From the “model” variable previously created, you can compare your model to the content of a URL.

Here are the rules I followed to compute an optimization score:
1) All lexies must be in the text, if one is missing, the score is degraded proportionally to the missing lexies.
2) Each lexie must be repeated a certain number of times.
I use a first approach rule of 3 on the recommendations of the json “simulation3500” (3500 words) and the size of the current text
3) Then, if the lexies are not present enough, the score is degraded.

The package also gives you an SEO danger score if lexies are too present.

scores <- scoreLexies(model, url)


Top 100 Score Comparison

If you test my package, you will realize that semantic is a very important role on the Top 20.
I give you an example with the top 100 on “crossfit france”.
The two tools have different approaches but there is consistency in the scores.

1WODNEWS - L'actualité du Crossfit en France et l'étranger !
2Le CrossFit : la nouvelle tendance sportive ! - Crossfit-France.org
3CrossFit France - Accueil | Facebook
4DOSSIER CROSSFIT 1/2 : Définition, avantages, risques et limites ...
5Liste des Affiliées | play-fitness
6AU DELÀ DES LIMITES - Documentaire sur le Crossfit en France ...
7Trouvez la salle CrossFit la plus proche de chez vous | Reebok ...
8Reebok CrossFit Louvre : préparation physique pour tous !
9Apprenez à bien choisir votre box de CRossFit avant de débuter
10Sport : on a testé le... CrossFit - France 3 Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
11CrossFit — Wikipédia
12Le Crossfit, la discipline qui bouscule les salles de sport - La Croix
13Silvaticus CrossFit Paris 11
14CrossFit Cestio | Lille | Découvrir
15Ils sont les stars du CrossFit ! - Le Parisien
16Guillaume Magnouat : « Le CrossFit explose en France » - Sportmag
17Daniel Chaffey, le roi français du CrossFit - Fitness Challenges
18CrossFit Nancy
19CrossFit Villeneuve Loubet
20Toulouse représente la France au Mondial de crossfit - 27/07/2018 ...
21French Throwdown
22CrossFit France (@crossfitfrance) • Photos et vidéos Instagram
23Reebok CrossFit | Site Officiel Reebok
24CrossFit Grenoble box affiliée | Découvre le fitness dans sa version 2.0
25Wod France Events
26Workout'mag - le numéro 1 du CrossFit en France
27Des lycéens aux championnats de France de crossfit
28CrossFit Rouen — avenue de la Libération, Rouen Rive Gauche
29Reebok CrossFit débarque en France | - Sportsmarketing.fr
30Chelles. Le CrossFit muscle la ville – actu.fr
31Crossfit : la mode US débarque en France - Barbichette.fr
32Home | CrossFit Antibes-Vallauris-Juan les Pins
33Rios CrossFit
34FIT' & RACK | Materiel Sportif Made in France | Cross Training ...
35Box de crossfit à Paris | Crossfit CMG
36Agent commercial crossfit fitness sport FRANCE
37CROSSFIT BEZIERS: Salle de crossfit, Béziers, Narbonne, Sérignan
38Crossfit L'engrenage: Votre salle de CROSSFIT à Annecy le Vieux
39CrossFit Ballers
40CrossFit Nimes, 1800m² dédiés à la forme & bien-être
41Crossfit Arles-Salle de Crossfit à Arles PACA
42Crossfit Minimes - Crossfit Albi - Salle de CrossFit à Toulouse
43Crossfit Chtx : Votre Salle de sport à Déols - Châteauroux
442ème édition Challenge F5RCE France - 100 Pourcent CrossFit
45CrossFit à Roissy en France, trouver les clubs de sport à proximité
46Update Studio: CrossFit en France - CrossFit Games
47Box officielle CrossFit BREST - Salle de sport fitness à BREST
48CrossFit Lutèce, salle de CrossFit Paris 15e - CrossFit Lutèce
49Cours particuliers de Crossfit, annonces de professeurs efficaces en ...
50T-shirt Noir France men Crossfit - THORUS WEAR
51CrossFit Laxou - Box de CrossFit affiliée en Lorraine - 54 - France
52Crossfit Caen - 1ère Box Caennaise avec des professionnels ...
53CrossFit Essor x Bayonne
54L'événement de CrossFit international en France : les Compex ...
55CrossFit Thirst
57CrossFit G-Steel: Box De Crossfit Orleans
58Crossfit Naoned - Votre Box de CrossFit à Nantes !
59Crossfit 3.84 – Salle de Crossfit à Vedène Vaucluse PACA
605 questions à l'homme le plus fit de France - Men's Fitness Magazine
61CrossFit Original Addicts
62Chalon-sur-Saône | Le Colisée va accueillir le Crossfit - Le JSL
63TEAMS 5 ROISSY-EN-FRANCE - Foot indoor et Crossfit
64Homepage | localhost
65Championnat de France de musculation crossfit | Lycée Honoré d ...
66Cours en salle de CrossFit Tremblay-en-France - CROSSFIT CENTER
68Du CrossFit ®, du CrossFit ® et tout ce qui tourne autour du CrossFit ...
69DrWod - Le spécialiste des marques US de vêtements et ...
70CrossFit - Où pratiquer l'activité CrossFit® | MaSalleDeSport
71Finale du championnat de France de crossFit (5e place) | Lycée ...
72CrossFit Strasbourg - CrossFit Strasbourg
73CrossFit Gravity Orvault Nantes | Sport Elite Fitness Orvault Nantes
74Équipement de Crossfit Venum et tenues de Fitness - ...
75Alpes Crossfit Unity | Box Crossfit à Grenoble
76Le crossfit déferle sur le monde du fitness
77Crossfit des Sacres - Salle de crossfit à Reims et à Troyes
78Bien-être. Le raz-de-marée crossfit - Morbihan - LeTelegramme.fr
79CrossFit Bordeaux :: 1ère Box de France :: Préparation ...
80Les Formations CrossFit - Fuck Genetics
82Compétition Crossfit | France | AmiensThrowdowns
83CrossFit, Bootcamp, comment ça marche - Marie France
84CAMILLE RIBOUD – OCR/CROSSFIT – Site officiel Inov-8 France
86CrossFit Le Havre — Centre Commercial Docks Vauban
87CrossFit 6301 - Box de Crossfit à Clermont Ferrand
88CrossFit Cap Martin
89Crossfit Antipolis: Index
90CrossFit Gerland: Accueil
91CrossFit Roissy-en-France à Roissy-en-France - Les-horaires.fr,835703.html6060
92France 7 : En mode crossfit ! - FFR
93Qualification au championnat de France de musculation-crossfit ...
94Arabie Saoudite en France on Twitter: "Amal Baatia, une ...
95Cage à squat crossfit - Tunturi - Importateur Exclusif France
96Le lycée Emmanuel-Chabrier champion de France UNSS de ...
97R2 THE TRAINING FACTORY – Salle de sport à Paris – Crossfit ...
98Rogue Basic - France - T-Shirts - Men's Apparel - Apparel | Rogue ...
99Crossfit South West Anglet


Now my R package will take a new turn because I will use its two excellent tools to generate quality texts.